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Pain Medicine
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Diclofenac 50mg by Actavis N
30 pastillas - 138.89 EURO (4.63 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
Product Name: Diclofenac
Dosage: 50 mg
Manufactured by Actavis
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Diclofenac 50mg

Diclofenac 50mg is a medicine belonging to the group of prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors also called NSAIDs. It reduces pain, fever and inflammation. It is prescribed for joint and rheumatic pains, menstrual pain, headache, colic pain and severe complaints of flu and cold.

Used to treat : pain

Effect : analgesia, antipyretic and inflammation inhibition

Active substance : diclofenac 50mg

Diclofenac 50mg relieves pain, inhibits inflammation and lowers fever.
For joint pain , rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, gout , colic pain, menstrual complaints and colds.
Tablets reduce pain after 1 hour. This effect lasts for approximately 6 hours. Delayed-release tablets work after about 2 hours. The effect lasts 12 to 24 hours.
The injection works after 15 minutes. A suppository after about half an hour. Redness and swelling will diminish within a week.
Note: risk of stomach and intestinal ulcers and bleeding. Are you over 70, have you had a stomach or intestinal ulcer before, or are you taking anti-clotting medications? Then you need a stomach protector . Ask your doctor or pharmacist about this.
Be careful with alcohol. Alcohol increases the risk of stomach upset.
Many interactions with other medications. Ask your pharmacist if it is safe to use diclofenac with your other medicines, even if you bought them without a prescription.
Diclofenac 50mg can be harmful during pregnancy. Talk therefore your doctor. DO NOT use it during the second half of pregnancy.

Important to know about diclofenac

Diclofenac 50mg will reduce your pain, reduce inflammation and lower your fever.
For joint pain , rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, gout , colic pain, menstrual complaints and flu.
The tablets reduce your pain after 1 hour. These work for 6 hours. Delayed-release tablets work after about 2 hours. These work for 12 to 24 hours. The injection works after 15 minutes. A suppository works for about half an hour. Redness and swelling will diminish within 1 week.
You may experience stomach and intestinal ulcers or bleeding. Are you over 70, have you previously had a stomach or intestinal ulcer, or are you taking blood thinners? Then you need a stomach protector . Ask your doctor or pharmacist about this.
Watch out with alcohol. Alcohol increases the risk of stomach upset.
This drug has many interactions with other drugs. Therefore, let your pharmacist check that it is safe to use diclofenac with your other medications. Also medicines you bought without a prescription.
Are you pregnant or do you want to become pregnant? Ask your doctor if you can take this medicine. This drug can be bad for the baby. DO NOT use if you are in pain in the last 3 months of your pregnancy.
Diclofenac 50mg is an anti-inflammatory pain reliever . These types of painkillers are also called NSAIDs . It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing effect.
It can be used for pain where there is also inflammation, such as joint pain , rheumatoid arthritis (inflammation of the joints) , Bechterew's disease and gout (inflammation in your joint).

In addition, with colic pain, menstrual complaints , such as abnormal vaginal blood loss, migraines and headaches . It is sometimes also used for osteoarthritis (the cartilage in your joints becomes thinner), muscle pain and complaints from the flu or cold .

Pain comes in different forms. Pain can come from damage to your body or when something is not working as it should. The nerves in the damaged body part send a signal to your brain and you feel pain. Sometimes pain has no clear cause and we don't know where the pain is coming from.

In most cases, paracetamol is the safest way to treat pain. This has the fewest side effects and usually works well.

In some cases, an anti-inflammatory pain reliever, such as diclofenac, works better. For example, in case of inflammation or if you suffer from painful swelling after an operation or dental procedure.

Diclofenac 50mg prevents the pain signal from being transmitted to the brain. In addition, it inhibits inflammation, reducing pain, swelling and redness.

The analgesic effect starts after 1 hour. This effect lasts for approximately 6 hours. The delayed-release tablets work after about 2 hours. The effect does last longer, namely 12 to 24 hours.
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