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Vikalis Cialis Soft Chewable Super Active 20mg
30 pastillas - 99.72 EURO (3.32 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
60 pastillas - 188.33 EURO (3.14 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
90 pastillas - 265.83 EURO (2.95 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
120 pastillas - 333.33 EURO (2.78 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
Product Name: Generic Cialis Soft Chewable 20mg
Name of active ingredient: Tadalafil
Manufacturer: Venkatesh

Para órdenes más grandes la tarifa de envío Registered Mail se aplicarán para cada 100 pastillas.
Para los pedidos con más de 300 pastillas o para las compras Por Mayor, por favor, contactenos a [email protected] para recibir un descuento.

Cialis Tadalafil Soft Chewable 20 mg is a new product used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It's a chewable tablet absorbed directly into the bloodstream that acts faster.
During sexual stimulation, Cialis Tadalafil Soft Chewable 20 mg enables a man's penis to fill with enough blood to cause an erection. It does this by blocking an enzyme called phosphodiesterase-5, or PDE-5. This helps the smooth muscles in the penis relax and widen, which allows for more blood to enter. After sex is over, the erection goes away. You will not get an erection by just taking Cialis Tadalafil Soft Chewable 20 mg. Sexual stimulation is required for Cialis to be effective. Your doctor or health care professional is always your best source of information when evaluating treatments for erection problems.

How to take it:
In Cialis Tadalafil Soft Chewable clinical testing most men were administered one 20 mg tablet per day. Your doctor will prescribe the right dosage for you.

Side effects:
The most common side effects reported with Cialis Tadalafil Soft Chewable 20 mg in the study were headache, myalgia (muscle pain), dyspepsia (upset stomach following meals) and back pain. The severities of these Cialis Tadalafil Soft Chewable 20 mg side effects were minimized with lower doses of Tadlafil.

Treatments for erectile dysfunction, including Cialis Tadalafil Soft Chewable 20 mg, should not be used in men with cardiac disease for whom sexual activity is inadvisable.
Physicians should consider the potential cardiac risk of sexual activity in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease. Priapism was not reported in clinical trials with Cialis Tadalafil Soft Chewable 20 mg. However, priapism has been reported with another PDE5 inhibitor, sildenafil. Patients who experience erections lasting 4 hours or more should be instructed to seek immediate medical assistance. If priapism is not treated immediately, penile tissue damage and permanent loss of potency may result.
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