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Premature Ejaculation
Actual product may differ in appearance from image shown
D-force Dapoxetine 60 mg
20 pastillas - 101.2 EURO (5.06 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
40 pastillas - 194.68 EURO (4.87 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
100 pastillas - 443.33 EURO (4.43 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
Product Name: D-force
Name of active ingredient: Dapoxetine
Manufacturer: Zenit Pharma Industries
Dosage: 60

This product requires shipping by courier and is available only for EU customers.
Phone number necessary in address

Para órdenes más grandes la tarifa de envío Registered Mail se aplicarán para cada 100 pastillas.
Para los pedidos con más de 300 pastillas o para las compras Por Mayor, por favor, contactenos a [email protected] para recibir un descuento.

Currently in the world about ten percent of sexually active men have problems with premature ejaculation. After erectile dysfunction (partial or complete loss of ability to achieve a quality and long-lasting erection), this is the most common sexual problem men encounter. D-force is an effective remedy for premature ejaculation, suitable for males aged 18 years and over. The issues are solved due to the active substance dapoxetine. D-force fulfills all European standards and is manufactured in top laboratories that meet all Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards.
Dapoxetine belongs among serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Its effects have been clinically tested and particularly in young patients, in nearly 100% of cases. During testing, it was proven that sexual intercourse and the man’s climax were three times longer when used. At the same time there was better control over ejaculation. Pay attention to the maximum daily dose of the active substance, which is one tablet per day. There is a threat of overdose or increased likelihood of side effects. Take a tablet approximately half an hour before sexual intercourse. Since it is not an aphrodisiac, sufficient sexual stimulation is required to achieve effects.
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