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Women's Health
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Generic Danazol 50 mg
24 pillole - 81.11 EURO (3.38 EURO/pillola) Aggiungi al carrello
48 pillole - 157.22 EURO (3.28 EURO/pillola) Aggiungi al carrello
72 pillole - 225 EURO (3.13 EURO/pillola) Aggiungi al carrello

Danazol (Danazol) is a synthetic hormone, used to treat pain and infertility caused by endometriosis.

Per ordini più grandi la tassa di trasporto Posta Raccomandata sarà applicata per ogni 100 pillole.
Per ordini superiori a 300 pillole oppure bulk ordini, si e' invitati a contattare [email protected] alfine di ottenere un prezzo speciale.

Spedito da: EU

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Drug Uses This medication is a synthetic hormone. It is used to treat pain and infertility caused by endometriosis, a condition involving the tissue of the uterus. It is also used in the treatment of cysts or lumps in the breast or may be prescribed for heavy menstrual flow. How Taken This medication must be taken as directed. Follow your dosing schedule carefully. You must take for full length of therapy. You may be asked to visit your doctor regularly to make sure the drug is working properly. Usual treatment starts with 100mg three times a day. Increase to 200mg three times a day if tolerated. Watch blood pressure, liver function tests and blood sugar levels. Drug Class and Mechanism Danazol is a synthetic androgen (male sex hormone.) It disrupts the action of the pituitary gland by suppressing the output of some hormones which causes the reduction of estrogen, halts menses and promotes the growth of facial hair and acne. Danazol is considered a second line treatment. The response rate has been about 30%. (Ref 1). Missed Dose If you miss a dose of Myambutol , take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not take 2 doses at once. Storage Store at room temperature away from sunlight and moisture.
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