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Cadflo 20mg
30 pastillas - 97.22 EURO (3.24 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
60 pastillas - 183.33 EURO (3.06 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
90 pastillas - 250 EURO (2.78 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
Product Name: Cadflo 20mg
Name of active ingredient: Fluoxetine
Dosage: 20mg

Shipped from: EU

Para órdenes más grandes la tarifa de envío Registered Mail se aplicarán para cada 100 pastillas.
Para los pedidos con más de 300 pastillas o para las compras Por Mayor, por favor, contactenos a [email protected] para recibir un descuento.

Shipped from: EU

What is Fluoxetine for:
This medication is an antidepressant, prescribed for depression and anxiety. It is also used for obesity and eating disorders.

How does Fluoxetine work:
Fluoxetine raises chemicals in the brain. With low mood (depression), sleep and eating habits may get better fast. Other signs may take up to 4 to 6 weeks to get better.

How should Fluoxetine be used:
Adult: PO- The recommended dose range is 20 - 80 mgday. It comes as a capsule and solution to take by mouth, with or without food once or twice a day.

Common side effects of Fluoxetine :
Feeling lightheaded, sleepy, having blurred eyesight, or a change in thinking clearly. Avoid driving and doing other tasks or actions that call for you to be alert or have clear eyesight until you see how this drug affects you. Nervous and excitable. Headache. Upset stomach or throwing up. Many small meals, good mouth care, sucking hard, sugar-free candy, or chewing sugar-free gum may help. Not hungry. Dry mouth. Good mouth care, sucking hard, sugar-free candy, or chewing sugar-free gum may help. See a dentist often. Loose stools (diarrhea). Change in sex ability. This most often goes back to normal. Not able to sleep.

What do I do if I miss a dose
Take a missed dose as soon as you think about it. If it is close to the time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your normal time. Do not take 2 doses at the same time or extra doses. Do not change the dose or stop this drug. Talk with the doctor.

What precautions should I take when taking Fluoxetine :
If you have an allergy to fluoxetine or any other part of this drug. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs. Make sure to tell about the allergy and what signs you had. This includes telling about rash; hives; itching; shortness of breath; wheezing; cough; swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat; or any other signs. If you have taken isocarboxazid, phenelzine, or tranylcypromine in the last 14 days. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (eg, isocarboxazid, phenelzine, and tranylcypromine) must be stopped 14 days before this drug is started. Taking both at the same time could cause risky high blood pressure. If you are breast-feeding.

When do I need to seek medical help
If you think there was an overdose, call your local poison control center or ER right away. Signs of a very bad reaction to the drug. These include wheezing; chest tightness; fever; itching; bad cough; blue or gray skin color; seizures; or swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat. If you are planning to harm yourself or the want to harm yourself gets worse. Change in thinking clearly and with logic. Big change in balance. Agitation, twitching, sweating, or muscle stiffness. Very nervous and excitable. A fast heartbeat. Very upset stomach or throwing up. Very loose stools (diarrhea). Any bruising or bleeding. Any rash. Side effect or health problem is not better or you are feeling worse.

Can I take Fluoxetine with other medicines:
Sometimes drugs are not safe when you take them with certain other drugs and food. - Taking them together can cause bad side effects. - Be sure to talk to your doctor about all the drugs you take.

Are there any food restrictions
Avoid Alcohol

How do I store Fluoxetine :
Store at controlled room temperature (15° to 30°C).

Pregnancy Category
Category C : Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.

Therapeutic Classification
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