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Weight Loss
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Clenbuterol 50 mcg N
100 comprimés - 129.63 EURO (1.3 EURO/comprimé) Ajoutez a votre chariot
Product Name: Clenbuterol 50 mcg
Name of active ingredient: Clenbuterol
Manufacturer: Mutant Gear Pharmaceuticals
Dosage: 50 mcg

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Pour ordres supérieurs les frais d'nexpédition Registered Mail seront appliquées pour chaque 100 pilules.
Si votre commande est superieure a 300 pilules, vous avez la possibilite de beneficier d'un prix spécial. Contactez SVP [email protected].

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Clenbuterol (Hydrochloride) is the best cut product on the market (lose weight while retaining muscle mass). Clenbuterol has a great fat-burning property which makes it extremely easy to lose weight. Fat percentages drop extremely due to this product. In addition, Clenbuterol is not a steroid, so it can be used perfectly outside of cures and provides extra muscle retention due to its anti-catabolic property (breaks down cortisol in the muscles).

Clenbuterol is active in the human body for up to 35 hours, but not felt for more than five hours.

Clenbuterol tablets are dosed fairly heavily, so the use must be built up slowly. Start the first day with a single tablet in the morning and the next day one tablet in the morning and one tablet with dinner. Men may further build up to three tablets per day. However, it is advisable to maintain a schedule in which one day three tablets and the other day two tablets. The same applies to women, except that they follow a schedule of one tablet one day and two tablets the other day. Opinions are divided about Clenbuterol use, so one takes the product for a week and then a week off and the other does this for two weeks at a time. Since there is room for several cycles with 100 tablets, it is advisable to see which method suits you best.
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